


Avoiding Linguistic Galapagos Syndrome

1. Full capitalization of company names within text body

e.g., Our subsidiary, AIRCO COMPRESSORS LTD., is located in Europe.

English-language websites and publications in Japan often use full capitals for company names to maintain consistency with company logos or the copyright registration at the bottom of webpages. This is unnecessary and results in English text that looks unnatural and is difficult to read. By contrast, a non-Japanese company such as Dell Inc. may use the fully capitalized logo "DELL", but as can be seen from its website, it generally refers to itself as "Dell" within text body.

2. Use of quotation marks for emphasis or to indicate a proper noun

e.g., We formulated our "Endeavor 2020 Strategy."

Japanese quotation marks (カギ括弧)have a wider range of uses than English quotation marks, so when translating into English, it is not always appropriate to replicate the quotation marks. In particular, a proper noun in English can be identified and emphasized sufficiently by capitalization alone with no need for quotation marks, even if カギ括弧 were used in the Japanese.

The problem, of course, can be to convince clients that such usages are unnatural in English. Many Japanese companies have used capitalization and quotation marks inappropriately in their English-language publications for many years, and it is very difficult for any individual to challenge well- established habits.

However, as language professionals, we should at least be aware of these issues and persist in pointing them out to clients whenever we can do so diplomatically. Otherwise, we are allowing a form of linguistic Galapagos syndrome to occur, whereby Japan has its own unique way of writing English that is different from the norm in English-speaking countries.


1. 本文で企業名をすべて大文字で表記する

例:Our subsidiary, AIRCO COMPRESSORS LTD., is located in Europe.


2. 引用符を強調や固有名詞に使う

例:We formulated our "Endeavor 2020 Strategy."






Kirstin Soni(カースティン・ソーニ)

Kirstin Soni, a British national, has over 20 years’ experience of translating Japanese to English. After completing a Japanese degree in the UK, she first translated as a Coordinator for International Relations on the JET Programme, then developed her skills at an Anglo-Japanese business consultancy in London. On returning to Japan, she worked for several years at an investor relations consultancy as a proofreader and translator, before going freelance in 2009.



