


The Key to an Effective Translation

Welcome to the Simul Translation Blog! I am excited this blog has been launched because it gives Simul translators an opportunity to communicate directly with clients and offer them insight into life as a translator. This will help us work together more efficiently and create even better translations.

Let me describe, then, my life here at Simul. In addition to the core essentials of a desk and a computer, I am fortunate to have cooperative and intelligent colleagues of various nationalities as well as a room full of paper reference books and a world full of cyber materials.

Sounds pretty nice, doesn’t it? And it is. Except that what I need most to deliver an effective translation cannot be found there. What I need most is to have the inside story on the client’s workplace and mindset. And these are things only the client possesses. What is the real story behind the text on my desk? What is the underlying message the client wants to communicate and yet does not state outright in the document? In what ways does the client seek to set itself apart from the crowd? Without this information, I am at a loss as to how to shape the text to bring out the client’s true message.

Unfortunately, this kind of information cannot be found on client websites. Such websites are designed to meet the needs of stakeholders, not translators. Of course, I do my best to read between the lines of the text by using my knowledge of world and sectoral affairs and my understanding of the client’s area of specialization. There are limits, though. Particularly in the case of correspondence, it is critical that the translator know the past exchange between the two parties and the desired relationship going forward. This may very well be the most frequent issue Simul must confirm with clients. Without knowing the past exchange and future vision, it is impossible to write a persuasive document.

So this is my suggestion to clients: Imagine you have never worked at your organization or even in your field of specialization and then read over your text. If there are any sections you find unclear, touch them up. And then, before you send in the finalized text for translation, write a short e-mail stating the background and the key point you want to communicate to your reader. I guarantee this will pay dividends for you as it will enable the translator to focus on bringing out the key message you intend. What is the key to an effective translation? Background information from the client.


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いかがでしょう。素晴らしい環境だと思いませんか? そう、確かに素晴らしい。ただし、良質な翻訳を生み出すために一番必要なものがここにはありません。それは、お客さまの職場環境や考え方を映し出す、外からはうかがい知ることのできない「ストーリー」です。そしてそのストーリーを持っているのは、お客さまだけなのです。私のデスクに置かれた原稿の中に隠れている真のストーリーは何か。文章では明確に表現していない、お客さまが本当に伝えたいことは何か。お客さまはどんな方法で差別化を図ろうとなさっているのか。そうした問いに対する答えを知らなければ、お客さまが本当に伝えたいことを反映させた訳文を作ることはできないのです。そしてその答えは、残念ながらお客さまのウェブサイトの中に見つけることはできません。



翻訳者 M.F.




